About AM Authentically me

My name is Cassandra and I will share my journey with creating AM Authentically Me

I am a mother to two beautiful girls, and I want to be the best version of myself for them as possible. I want them to have a better life than I did. With that being said, it hasn’t been easy!

My education and professional experience is in the mental health field. I have been in this field about a decade now. I have always been intrigued with how one’s mind works. How does one’s experiences shape their perceptions of the world around them and their own life? Who or what influences their decisions? What motivates them or holds them back?

I have also personally experienced depression, anxiety, trauma, life changing transitions, burnout, abuse, and more. When I would speak with a medical professional about my struggles, a medication was always the go-to “fix”. Working in the mental health field, my clients expressed this when reaching out for help as well. I noticed that pairing a suggested medication with therapy for the best results was not always recommended or an option either.

This was a crossroads for me in my professional career. I personally didn’t want medication and wondered - what is out there that doesn’t involve medication and can also help me heal on the inside; mind, body, and soul? Yes, there is traditional talk therapy, but that is still very focused on just the mind, how it works, and what is “wrong” with the person that needs to be “fixed.” I knew there had to be other healing options out there, natural options. My goal was to heal, get to the root of the cause, and find my new “normal.” My girls deserve the best version of me, I deserve the best version of me.

Now, this is my own personal journey. I want to make it clear that if you are taking medications and they help you in any way on your healing journey, that is great! I am not here to judge or pass on my own preferences. Be authentically YOU! This is just my story, me being authentically me.

I took it upon myself to look into holistic methods such as breathwork, yoga, meditation, naturopathy, essential oils, energy work - like reiki and sound healing. I also researched and got advice from friends who were on this same journey about herbs, vitamins, plants, sources from nature that could help with the ailments I was having. I was shocked by all the possibilities out there for natural healing… for the mind, body, and soul! Why are these not more accessible? What can I do to make it more accessible?

When COVID hit in 2020, it was the start of my own spiritual awakening. I knew I needed to do the hard work, the research, the trial and error of what works best for me to heal and to feel whole again. I wanted to live my best life, live in bliss, have a work-life balance so I can have the best relationship with my daughters, be healthy - mind, body, and soul.

So, I enrolled in a graduate program learning even more about alternative healing and how to help people gain access and knowledge to these forms of healing. On this journey I found my purpose. I want to help educate others who have been in similar situations and want different options for their healing journeys. I want people to know about and have access to as MANY healing options out there as possible. I want to help people gain the confidence in their choices to create the best life for themselves. I want to teach people a holistic way to heal.

And so… AM Authentically Me was created. It’s my way to change the approach to mental health, life, and healing. YOU are in control.